Our body behaves in ways that are clearly out of our own command. We partially assist our own actions as spectators while trying to gain control.

Two instances in a single object.

The problem is neither new or original. We define "self" by our physical body, by our conscience by memories and thoughts.

Entropy increases when we start formulating meta-hypothesis and arguing against logic using logic itself. But nature is minimalist therefore such behavior should have an utility even if its not clear at first instance.

It is said that I think too much, which is true. But as true as it is, I never found no one who would show me the advantages of non-thinking. Actually I say that when someone gets to do it, he will do exactly the contrary of what he's advocating because he will be arguing, and for that he had to think a lot.
they say that time changes things. but actually it's by changing things that we create the notion of time.

Two ways to be on the upside.

.1 hard work.
.2 luck.

After setting up with the spirit of a warrior you built the tools that got you on the upside, but once "there" you have a whole bunch of tools that are now useless.

As you took an enormous amount of time building those tools and the human being is loss adverse, you will simply not accept to lay them down.

Result: you keep struggling ad infinitum.
Não faz o menor sentido a reflexão.
Não faz o menor sentido a escrita.
Também não faz o menor sentido a racionalidade.

Arriscas constantemente e constantemente és recompensado pelo risco. Muito bem, faz pouco sentido mas não questionas muito porque afinal não queres pensar muito nisso e é preferível aproveitar calado.
Por outro lado no único factor em que tens todas as probabilidades a teu favor, sabes as regras do jogo, tas a anos luz dos teus adversários directos, e tens provas dadas de competência e eficácia, a derrota é astronómica e sentes todo o peso do mundo sob os teus pés.

Correr uma maratona é fácil, viajar à lua é igualmente fácil. Dificil é aceitar que o que deveria algo provável é um evento praticamente fora do alcance, e o improvavel é super simples de atingir.
Não percebo porque tenho absolutamente todos os valores invertidos, há mais alguém por ai assim?

Desta vez aceito a derrota, abaixo os braços e retiro a equipa do campo.