Yesterday, while discussing with a screen writing teacher, I remembered something I read somewhere. The statement was simply "focus on learning the things that do not change" As people who know me know, I have this strong sense about the temporality of the things around us, Everything is temporary.
Therefore how can we focus in learning what doesn't change if everything changes?
Well, somethings change less than others, or slower let's say.
My philosophy in relation to work, life and love, is to get across as many domains as I can, and don't get too specialized in any, unless it happens by accident. The thing that changes the least in life is our ability to learn new things, the ability to adapt.
Adaptation is really important, its how we created God; a slow evolution based on adaptation.
Therefore how can we focus in learning what doesn't change if everything changes?
Well, somethings change less than others, or slower let's say.
My philosophy in relation to work, life and love, is to get across as many domains as I can, and don't get too specialized in any, unless it happens by accident. The thing that changes the least in life is our ability to learn new things, the ability to adapt.
Adaptation is really important, its how we created God; a slow evolution based on adaptation.
Summer in the city from Kinesthesia on Vimeo.
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