Sometime ago I wrote here that we are not "tabula rasas". There is no blank state.

The lesson today is really simple: Some really basic things, people just have to know.

Sometimes nature doesn't provide time to learn from experience or from others. Call it faith on the self if you wish, but some answers/decisions just have to be innate.
We do know that we should run if we see a predator in the jungle, but many things are equally dangerous and we don't that we should run away. Well; then you "die".

The funny question is, how some people know this? Or better, why some people know, and some others don't? What is the difference between them?
Not much, as a matter of fact. Self examination would say Socrates, and that would train your subconscious in taking good decisions, fast, and right.

Life is risky, but that's just so right. You live, you risk, you get "eventually" reward if you know how to live and then you die. Could it get any sweeter?.

There's a saying in Brazil that goes like " I will give a cow not to get in to a fight, but a herd not to get out from it". Personally I don't care much about cows but I do care about fights, and I know exactly when to get into one. How? No fucking idea.

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