Today I was asked what my imperfections are. Needless to say I had a hard time to answer. I found after some thought that imperfection defectiveness are in the eye of the viewer. This happens to be the same as its opposite: perfection.

So to speak about imperfections one must assume the opposite as being equally true. Perfection is real as imperfection same way as there is no high without the concept of low. Happy and sad, cold and warm, sweet and sour: all concepts are relative and attached to its counterparts.

The funny thing is that a person often finds itself with many imperfections, and seldom being perfect.
Why does this happens? Once again Ill bring relativity to my argument, one is imperfect when comparing to others, there's always a relative relation between 2 objects. I do not run as well as that other guy nor Im smart as a rocket scientist, I might in fact be quite stupid, but that only happens in a relative relationship between 2 components.

Rather than comparing ourselves with others we should make a self analysis. Citing Christopher McCandless, "we should measure ourselves at least once", and through that define our own level of perfection.

The revolutionary idea here is that we are perfect sometimes, and imperfect some other times. Mostly I feel as I don't have any imperfections and that is actually true most of time, but every now and then I experience a pattern break, and that is where the limit line is defined.

To some I'm instable, (kind of nitroglycerin stuff) but that depends a great amount on how Im being viewed. My instability depends on how people see their own life. The way one sees others is an extention of their own way to see themselves.

And really if you want to give some though to that, how can one be stable in a completely entropic universe? My instability is much more solid being based on an rational argument like this than anyone else's stability. If Im not sure (and there's no way to be sure) about how's life, therefore nobody else can be, therefore again everyone is, and so finally wins the one who believes more faithfully in his arguments.

My instability is not so much on the chemistry domain, but more like a philosophical instability.

What is bad for someone, might not look like for someone else.


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