Quantas mais incertezas tenho na vida mais possibilidades vejo.
Certezas são sentenças.

In our minds the future holds no place.
There is an illusion of the present, a memory of the past, and an anticipated future.

The illusion of the present is the closest we have to real experience and there's where we live mostly.

The memory of the past is linear to understand.

And the Future is nothing more than anticipated future; a projection of what might happen based on past experience, so really not much accurate as it is limited to what already happened.

The future is therefore only constructed with unexpected consequences from the present. Fear of a lack of control is for that reason the best way to never achieve anything.

there are 6 seconds between decision and conscious awereness. ( check here after m50, BBC Horizon - The Secret You)

It is a scary though as it practically re-defines free will as we know. Are we mere spectators in a movie that goes by in our subconscious? Is our body an autonomous mechanism where every action is decided in the past and we really have no control of our decisions?

I'm consciently waiting for an answer, six seconds at a time.