Quantas mais incertezas tenho na vida mais possibilidades vejo.
Certezas são sentenças.

In our minds the future holds no place.
There is an illusion of the present, a memory of the past, and an anticipated future.

The illusion of the present is the closest we have to real experience and there's where we live mostly.

The memory of the past is linear to understand.

And the Future is nothing more than anticipated future; a projection of what might happen based on past experience, so really not much accurate as it is limited to what already happened.

The future is therefore only constructed with unexpected consequences from the present. Fear of a lack of control is for that reason the best way to never achieve anything.

there are 6 seconds between decision and conscious awereness. ( check here after m50, BBC Horizon - The Secret You)

It is a scary though as it practically re-defines free will as we know. Are we mere spectators in a movie that goes by in our subconscious? Is our body an autonomous mechanism where every action is decided in the past and we really have no control of our decisions?

I'm consciently waiting for an answer, six seconds at a time.

Hope is a recipe for inaction. Don't hope for anything, either do something about it or suck it up.
Empowerment is the best antidote for life suckingness.
I've loved many times. Some girls choose to ignore, some didn't even know, but loving them had nothing to do with them. Love's always a projection of oneself, and something that stays forever within.

Loving someone will ever go as far as one loves life, as loving is the same as living.
I love too much, and I live in love with living.
After getting used to improve in every occasion I have, a certain intolerance for the average starts building up. You discover that people you can learn from are less and less common, and nobody really shakes your world anymore.

 Uncertainty has never been greater in my life, and even like that I accomplished something I predicted 2 years ago. My business started in middle 2010 a little by chance and not really planned. but as I had predicted. Funny balance between determinism and serendipity ...

In a salsa class, between a male beginner and a female teacher, who leads the dance?
More and more I've been pushed to lead. In life, work and fun, people expect others to lead them. Its easier, more practical, and you can chose not to be leaded if someone else is doing it for you. No commitment. But then, being forced to lead, is a form of being lead as well.

The ultimate leading is being responsible for our own future, taking decisions in our hands and risking.

There's no school for leading. There's only just doing it.

Awesome is hard to archive, and awesome is rare.
The problem with awesome is that once you get there, everything around you becomes average.
And awesome doesn't go with average.
time management is not about self discipline, its about motivation.

keep passionate about something and you'll have all the time in the world to "work" on it.

No such a thing as I dont have time to do something, there's only I rather be doing something else.

Our body behaves in ways that are clearly out of our own command. We partially assist our own actions as spectators while trying to gain control.

Two instances in a single object.

The problem is neither new or original. We define "self" by our physical body, by our conscience by memories and thoughts.

Entropy increases when we start formulating meta-hypothesis and arguing against logic using logic itself. But nature is minimalist therefore such behavior should have an utility even if its not clear at first instance.

It is said that I think too much, which is true. But as true as it is, I never found no one who would show me the advantages of non-thinking. Actually I say that when someone gets to do it, he will do exactly the contrary of what he's advocating because he will be arguing, and for that he had to think a lot.
they say that time changes things. but actually it's by changing things that we create the notion of time.

Two ways to be on the upside.

.1 hard work.
.2 luck.

After setting up with the spirit of a warrior you built the tools that got you on the upside, but once "there" you have a whole bunch of tools that are now useless.

As you took an enormous amount of time building those tools and the human being is loss adverse, you will simply not accept to lay them down.

Result: you keep struggling ad infinitum.
Não faz o menor sentido a reflexão.
Não faz o menor sentido a escrita.
Também não faz o menor sentido a racionalidade.

Arriscas constantemente e constantemente és recompensado pelo risco. Muito bem, faz pouco sentido mas não questionas muito porque afinal não queres pensar muito nisso e é preferível aproveitar calado.
Por outro lado no único factor em que tens todas as probabilidades a teu favor, sabes as regras do jogo, tas a anos luz dos teus adversários directos, e tens provas dadas de competência e eficácia, a derrota é astronómica e sentes todo o peso do mundo sob os teus pés.

Correr uma maratona é fácil, viajar à lua é igualmente fácil. Dificil é aceitar que o que deveria algo provável é um evento praticamente fora do alcance, e o improvavel é super simples de atingir.
Não percebo porque tenho absolutamente todos os valores invertidos, há mais alguém por ai assim?

Desta vez aceito a derrota, abaixo os braços e retiro a equipa do campo.

As pessoas não percebem que um amor perfeito não é uma propriedade extrínseca.

Teima se em se auto-desresponsabilizar quando se fala de amor.
Gosto dela porque... blá blá e continua se assim. Está mal.

Não, em primeiro lugar gosta se de alguem, e não há necessáriamente um motivo para isso. Em segundo, o motivo não é o outro, mas eu mesmo.
Se eu gosto, é porque um número X de propriedades do meu "self" se alinham de forma a que de estalo eu passo a sentir qualquer coisa.

Claro que há amores perfeitos, homens perfeitos, situações perfeitas. Tudo tem a ver com a forma como nós nos relacionamos com esses conceitos.

Amar alguém não depende desse alguém.
os problemas e as incertezas são iguais pra toda a gente.
A diferença entre uns e outros está na preparação e no risco que cada um toma.
O mundo tem muitas pessoas. Racionalmente faz sentido extrapolar a realidade dos outros e tentar compreender a nossa com essa operação. No entanto racionalmente não faz sentido quando não havendo nenhum motivo essa realidade não nos "toca".

Quando o mundo racionalmente prova ser irracional estamos perante um problema de posicionamento acerca de qual dos lados nos devemos basear. Racionalmente e através de logica é possível encontrar motivos para o irracional e místico fazer sentido. Isto por outro lado não faz nenhum sentido.
Vive se uma constante batalha entre dois lados que se estranham por serem o mesmo.
Puxar uma corda pelas duas pontas é um enorme esforco que se traduz em nada, e a metáfora é a que melhor encontro pra descrever esta problemática.

Será que podemos em paz de espírito adoptar o racional e o místico ao mesmo tempo? Não é a verdade -una- segundo a sua própria definição?

Dave: If I tell you have A, B, or C, but you can only choose betwen A and B.
I could say yes you are free to choose between a or b
but you aren't really free.

N: on the other side if you don't restrict my possibilities and you give me an infinite number of choices, I'll be even less free.

Dave: why?

N: because if I have infinite choices, I can't choose anything at all due to a lack of capacity to evaluate them all.

that is, I'll have to limit the number of choices myself to be able to pick one, and so we are back to the same conceptual status of your 3 choices A and B minus C, restricted freedom.

So do we really experience freedom, or we only have some kind of perception of freedom?